Bear Hill Rating 7Bear Hill Regional Park is a nice hill trail, just north of Elk/Beaver Lake in Saanich.  It is an easy 2k hike to the summit where the views are sensational.  From the trailhead to the summit only takes about 20-30 minutes. High up on Saanich Peninsula you can see the Gulf Islands and even the San Juan Islands in the United States.  The technically active, and alarmingly close volcano, Mount Baker in Washington State is very visible as well on a clear day.

  • Tofino Clayoquot Hiking Trail ProFantastic views to the ocean!
  • Tofino Clayoquot Hiking Trail ProEasy, relaxing, rewarding hike
  • Tofino Clayoquot Hiking Trail ProNext to Elk/Beaver Lake Park
  • Tofino Clayoquot Hiking Trail ProStunning grove of Garry Oak trees
  • Tofino Clayoquot Hiking Trail ProWilderness feel so close to the city
  • Tofino Clayoquot Hiking Trail ProDog friendly & horse friendly!
  • Tofino Clayoquot Hiking Trail ProUsually don't see other hikers
  • Tofino Clayoquot Hiking ConNice little hike, but not a lot to see
  • Tofino Clayoquot Hiking ConNeed a clear day to enjoy the view!
  • Tofino Clayoquot Hiking ConNot the most exciting hiking trail

Victoria Hiking Trails

  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailAvatar Grove  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailBear Hill  Easy Hiking TrailEast Sooke Park  Victoria Hiking TrailElk/Beaver Lake  Victoria Hiking TrailEsquimalt Lagoon  Easy Pay Hiking Trail VictoriaFort Rodd Hill  Easy Hiking TrailFrancis/King  Victoria Hiking TrailGalloping Goose  Easy Hiking TrailGoldstream Park  Easy Hiking TrailGowlland Tod  Easy Hiking TrailGrass Lake  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailJohn Dean Park  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailJuan de Fuca Trail  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailLone Tree Hill  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailMill Hill  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailMount Douglas  Easy Hiking TrailMount Tolmie  Easy Hiking TrailSooke Potholes  Victoria Hiking TrailSpectacle Lake  Easy Hiking TrailThetis Lake  Victoria Hiking TrailWitty's Lagoon

Clayoquot Hiking Trails

  Easy Hiking TrailThe Big Tree Trail  Easy Hiking TrailHot Springs Cove  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailLone Cone  Easy Hiking TrailNuu Chah Nulth  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailRadar Beach  Steep, Dog Friendly TrailRadar Hill  Easy Hiking TrailVargas Island  Virgin Falls  Easy Hiking TrailWild Pacific Trail

The trail to Bear Hill is easy and runs through a beautiful forest of Douglas fir trees that lead to the unexpected grove of Garry oak trees at the summit.  The more you hike in Victoria, the more you notice these wonderful hiking trails to rocky hills/mountains.  From Bear Hill's 220 metre elevation you may be able to spot other, distant Victoria mountains.  If you look toward downtown Victoria you should be able to make out Mount Douglas and possibly Mount Tolmie.  Mount Finlayson in Goldstream Park should be visible on a clear day as well far off the right of Victoria.  Many Victoria mountains and hills have summit plaques that indicate the direction and names of visible summits.  Bear Hill, unfortunately doesn't, however, Mill Hill and Mount Finlayson do.  Bear Hill Regional Park connects with Elk and Beaver Lakes Regional Park making this small park into quite a larger area to hike.  A beautiful 10k trail runs around Elk and Beaver Lakes.  Take a look at the Bear Hill Regional Park map below for an idea of where the park is in relation to Elk/Beaver Lake Regional Park. It also shows the connecting trail to Elk and Beaver Lakes which then runs around these two beautiful Victoria lakes.  There are no facilities such as washrooms at Bear Hill Regional Park, however the nearby Elk/Beaver Lake Park has washrooms as well as food vendors and a variety of water sport rentals available much of the year.

Bear Hill Park Hiking Trail Map

The Beautiful View from Bear Hill

Bear Hill Regional Park in Victoria

Bear Hill Regional Park in Victoria

Directions Map to Bear Hill

Explore Bear Hill at

Hike in Victoria

The Best Tofino & Ucluelet Trails!

At 53 metres, Virgin Falls is quite an impressive sight.  You walk through the short, two minute forest trail to reach it and it fills your view.  It is located in a beautiful oasis it has created.  A large, ice ...
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Radar Beach is one of the countless places that makes this part of the world so amazing.  It is difficult to get to due to it having an unmarked trailhead, steep and muddy trail, and considerable climbing and ...
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Meares Island was the centre of dispute in the 80's when the Nuu-chah-nulth protested Macmillan Bloedel's intent to log the island.  The Nuu-chah-nulth together with environmental groups blockaded the island and ...
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Radar Hill is definitely one of the Tofino sights not to be missed.  It's a quick and easy walk to the top and the views are beautiful.   Definitely one of the few places in Tofino where you can see above the ...
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West Coast Trail Best Sights v3

Explore BC Hiking Destinations!

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The West Coast Trail

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